
Do you have a question you’ve always wanted to ask Rafa? Well, you don’t need to be a reporter of the international media to have that chance.
Every couple of weeks, RN.com will give10 lucky fans the chance to have their most wanted questions asnwered by Rafael. If you would like to have your question posted, all you have to do send us your question to:

Q. Alena
Hola Rafa, What do you enjoy reading and what sort of music do you listen to?
A. Hola Alena, I usually listen to Spanish music as well as all other sorts .
Q. Vera
Hi Rafa! Congratulations on your success so far! I'd like to ask you which team you think will win the world cup and why? Thanks!
A. I don't know. I hope that Spain will win but we know it will be very difficult. Brazil is the clear favourite, the Roger Federer of tennis but you never know.
Q. William Hagemann
Dear Rafael, How many hours of training do you do per day or per week?
A. William, it depends on which week. If I am in a week like Roland Garros I only practice and hour every day I don't play. If I am at a tournament like Madrid or Barcelona I try to play two hours at least. But you also have the work in the locker room like stretching, icing, etc. During the off-season we do practice more and it can be up to 5/6 hours.
Q. Pupuce
Is it easy to have a private life when you are a tennis player?
A. When you are a tennis player you have a private life but it is just different. When you are known player your privacy is limited but still you have a life.
Q. Midido
hola rafa a mi me gustaria saber si con tantos torneos te queda tiempo para salir con tus amigos y tu familia y que es lo que sueles hacer en tu tiempo libre
A. Si, claro que si. No tanto como a mis amigos en Manacor, pero si que tienes tiempo. A mi me encanta salir con mis amigos en Manacor y vivo en casa de mis padres.
Q. Aneta
Why do you always bit your prize?
A. I did it in Monte-Carlo last year and I thought it was a nice thing to do. It is like if I want to eat it. You can say it is my brand mark.
Q. Stephanie BARDET
Hola Rafi¡¡ Ya que llevas trabajando duro tanto tiempo sin descanso...no crees que te mereces unas vacaciones? despues de wimbledon descansaras en manacor con tu familia o pasaras unos dias en algun lugar especial?
A. Hola Stephanie, esta es la vida que llevamos y no se puede hacer otra cosa. Espero tener unos dias de descanso despues de Bastad y si, me ire a mi casa en Manacor. Quizas me vaya a otro sitio pero no creo. Mi mejor descanso es en casa.
Q. Florencia
Que es lo que en un partido te motiva para nunca dejar de lucharlo?
A. Florencia, siempre intento jugar hasta el ultimo punto y cfreo que esa es una de mis mejores armas.
Q. Atsuko
Does it mean anything when you put your water battles down very carefully in certain way during change over?
A. I have been getting a lot of these questions. I guess it is a type of superstition although I don't believe in them.
Q. Cilla Reid
Rafa, how are you going to train for Wimbledon this year? You are truly a fine young man and we are lucky to have you in our world.
A. I am going to do something special since I will spend at least 3 weeks in London practicing and playing Wimbledon. I would like these weeks to be 4 because that would mean that I reached the 2nd week of Wimbledon. We'll see. Thanks for your comments.